positions itself as an alternative to traditional agencies. There is no phone center, no secretariat, no finance department, etc. Instead, there is expertise, focus, creativity, and experience: Frank Bodin is at your side from start to finish, together with tailored teams from his national and international network. is located in a former factory in Zurich Seefeld and wherever companies demand passion and excellence in strategy, branding, marketing and creation, with the goal of making brands more valuable.

Strategy & Corporate Advisory: strategy sprint, marketing strategy, communication strategy and planning, sparring partner, sounding board / second opinion, growth strategy, transformation strategy, a.o.

Branding: brand architecture / portfolio management, brand purpose, brand promise, brand positioning, creation of brand names, brand design, audio branding, corporate identity & corporate design brand launch, brand experience, personal branding including presentation skills, employer branding, a.o.

Creative Marketing: ideas / concepts, through-the-line campaigns (ATL/BTL/B2C/B2B), PR-driven ideas, content marketing, digital marketing / websites, implementation and production, a.o.